Three Ways to Prioritize Email Security for Your Business

Email is complex, despite all appearances. It’s easy to overlook its complexities when you log into your account and it just works. However, you’ll need to ensure that your email is managed properly, as well as secured with protective measures for the underlying technology. Let’s go over some of the more effective methods you can use to keep your infrastructure secure from all types of threats, whether they are visible or hidden.

State of Maine Hacked, 1.3 Million Citizens’ Information Taken

The State of Maine in the United States has been the victim of a cyberattack. That’s right, the whole state was hacked by a Russian hacking collective.  The state claims that over 1.3 million people’s personal information was compromised via an already known vulnerability in secure transfer service MOVEit Transfer. Unfortunately for the people of Maine, this vulnerability is known to be used by the Cl0p ransomware gang, based out of Russia.

Experts Predict that the Hybrid Office Isn’t Going Anywhere

For reasons that we’re all too familiar with, the workplace changed drastically a few years ago when office workers everywhere suddenly found themselves thrust into remote work. As it turns out, a lot of them have liked being able to work remotely. That makes the efforts of a few outspoken companies to roll back remote work somewhat worrisome… but experts aren’t convinced these outliers represent the reality of the situation.