Tip of the Week: Implement Android Archiving to Free Up Storage Space

Tip of the Week: Implement Android Archiving to Free Up Storage Space

In April 2023, Google made a statement claiming that the Android platform would be able to archive unused applications with the intention of preserving storage space on the device. This came with a caveat: it would only do so if the device was almost out of available space. This auto-archiving feature, however, was released to a pleasant little surprise; it is available to all users, regardless of how much storage space is left on the device.

How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

Business continuity is a tricky beast, and one that is best fought with proactive and preventative measures. The reason for this is simple: any situation where your business’ data is put at risk could mean the end, and we are not catastrophizing when we say that. Let’s look at two issues that are only small problems at the surface level, but could snowball into serious problems.

Video Games Could Hold Some Value to Certain Businesses

Video gaming holds a special place in society, with its staggering annual revenue of over $260 billion making it a global entertainment powerhouse. Despite this, many consider it the ultimate time sink. Consequently, few regard video games and interactive media as having any practical application in the business world. Today, we aim to challenge this belief by outlining how video games can actually benefit your business.