As cliche as it sounds, one of the best ways to create a more positive workplace is to simply put more positivity into it. Let’s exercise this for a moment by setting the often-talked-about worst-case scenario to the side, and focus on what the optimal experience could be with the right technology management in place.
Let’s set the scene: it’s the Monday after a nice weekend. You’re feeling chipper and motivated to get down to business, and your computer responds in kind as you log in. Rather than chugging along through the login process, you’re looking at your desktop in a matter of moments. A quick password and multi-factor authentication code later, and the programs you’ll need are up and ready to go.
First thing’s first, you check your email. While the email inboxes of many business workers can quickly become swamped, particularly after a weekend or a day off, your inbox is divided up and sorted automatically, giving you a clear view of your priorities in the short and long-term.
Once your email’s been reviewed and responded to as appropriate, you pull up the applications you need to check off the items on your itinerary. The comprehensive toolset that your productivity suite provides gives you the ability to fulfill it all with minimal added effort. With the up-to-date and patched version of each program ready for you, you have everything you need to do your job right there and working.
Whoops… maybe you spoke too soon. Your workstation’s monitor is starting to flicker. Fortunately, help is just a quick call or email to your outsourced managed service provider’s help desk away. A quick diagnostic scan later, and it’s confirmed to be a hardware issue. No worries, though—the MSP is on it, either sending a tech out there with a replacement or working with your internal IT department to get the problematic piece of hardware switched out.
As a result, your issue is resolved that much faster, allowing you to get everything you need to do done.
Of course, not every issue will be resolved so smoothly. To expect differently is simply unrealistic, but the fact remains that managed services can make a lot of troublesome issues far less so for your business and employees. Efficiency and productivity are thereby elevated, simply because functioning technology makes it easier to focus on your goals, not on the worry that your tools will fail you.
We’re in the business of ensuring that businesses have the IT they need and that it works for them. To find out what we can do for you, give us a call at (336) 790-1000 today.