Four Things You Can Do to Help Ward Against Phishing Attacks

Potential data breaches pose a growing threat to organizations, with phishing attacks being the most prevalent method hackers use to steal sensitive information. It has become one of the most widespread online dangers, and understanding how it works is crucial to protecting your users. Let’s go into what phishing attacks are and explore some best practices to safeguard your network.

What are the Biggest Mistakes Security Professionals Make?

Cyberattacks will not let up anytime soon, so businesses need to be prepared with the knowledge and expertise to combat them. Unfortunately, finding the right folks with the right expertise is hard. According to a report from Kaspersky titled “The Portrait of Modern Information Security Professional,” the world is short about 4 million security professionals, and even the existing professionals make grave errors in their first couple of years. Let’s take a look at some of these insights and see what we can learn from them.

How to Take the Sting Out of a Phishing Attack

We talk a lot about phishing on this blog, and for good reason. It makes up a significant portion of today’s cyberthreats, irrespective of size or industry. Today, we want to highlight how your business can protect itself from phishing attacks and keep their impacts to a minimum. We’ll dive into some details about phishing schemes and the solutions you can implement to keep your business safe.