The Right Technology Can Be the Difference You Need in a Disaster

Business is filled with situations that can easily be turned into problems if they are not met with a proper solution. In some cases, it’s as simple as changing a course of action, but some problems are deep-rooted and need to be addressed aggressively. Technology can often be a business’ saving grace in such instances. Let’s review some really bad scenarios that could be catastrophic, unless the right IT is in place.

How to Diagnose a Failing Hard Drive

How to Diagnose a Failing Hard Drive

The growth that digital storage has seen over the past several decades is immense. In that time most data has been stored on hard disk drives (HDD). Now with solid-state drives (SSD) being more affordable than ever, it’s no surprise that most computers are preferring this faster and less fragile model. Today, we wanted to highlight that fragility and try to expose some variables that help you tell if your HDD is about to fail. 

World Backup Day is in a Few Days…But What Started It in the First Place?

World Backup Day is in a Few Days…But What Started It in the First Place?

Friday, March 31, 2023, is World Backup Day, the annual observance set aside to help ensure that businesses and individual users alike are doing what they need to do to protect their data from loss. Let’s go over where this observance came from, why it is so important for your business, and how you can make sure your organization is as protected as possible. 

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