Tip of the Week: 7 Cybersecurity Basics You Can’t Do Without

Business cybersecurity is increasingly important for every organization in operation today, to the point where it could very well be the difference between your business’ survival or failure. While extensive things must be accomplished to ensure your overall business continuity, you have to start somewhere. Let’s review some of the most essential things you can—and need to—do to keep your business secure.

4 Critical Security Practices for All Your IT

In business today, technology plays a big role. Unfortunately, by using technology, each individual has to make security considerations. This is because there are more cyberattacks today than ever before. To keep business rolling effectively, today’s workers must carefully consider and understand their role in their organization’s cybersecurity initiatives. In today’s blog, we look at four ways they can do just that.

Tip of the Week: Check When Your Devices Will Reach EOL

Nobody likes the thought of the device they rely on daily suddenly dying, leaving them without a phone, a laptop, a smartwatch, or whatever the case may be. This is why it is important to stay conscious of when these devices are due to reach their end-of-life date, or EOL, when the manufacturer will no longer support them or provide crucial updates. Fortunately, there’s a resource that makes this monitoring far easier to manage.