Is Your IT Person Taking Care of These Mandatory Tasks?

Who Handles the IT at Your Company? Are They Doing These Critical Tasks?

As your business grows and shifts, managing your technology can become increasingly complicated. It can get to the point where properly taking care of your IT and supporting your users is a full time job. If you are just calling a computer person to come and fix problems when you bump into them, then you might have potential consequences to deal with later that could cost your organization a lot of time and money.

Productivity Optimization Part One – Getting Started

Productivity Optimization Part One - Getting Started

Productivity will always be the primary goal for businesses, right alongside profits, although one thing does in fact lead to another in this case. To ensure your company runs efficiently, you need to understand just how productivity works and its relationship with what you put into your business. We’ll be using the next couple of weeks to take a closer look at the relationship between your business and its productivity. First, let’s look at what productivity is, in its simplest and purest form.

Tip of the Week: Complex Password Practices

Tip of the Week: Complex Password Practices

With more people depending on technology, it stands to reason that there are more scams out there than ever before. The individuals (and groups) responsible will look for and exploit any vulnerability to attack your employees in order to get at your business’ critical data. Let’s take a look at a couple of tips that you can use to keep your passwords strong and your password-protected accounts secure.