How to Approach a Hardware Refresh

How to Approach a Hardware Refresh

Without hardware, where would your business be right now? You can’t run your mission-critical applications and software without devices to host them on. You need to do all you can to ensure it stays in a proper state, but there will always eventually come a time when you cannot sustain it any longer and need to upgrade. Here’s what you need to know about your hardware refresh cycle, including what it is, what you can do with one, and how to plan it out.

Inject Some Flexible Bureaucracy to Help Your Struggling Processes

Inject Some Flexible Bureaucracy to Help Your Struggling Processes

If you want your business to grow, then you’re going to have to get used to dealing with complex problems that require complex solutions. You can implement technology to make solving these challenges easier, but at the same time, you want to be careful that the solutions you implement are not going to get in the way of productivity. Today, we want to discuss good old-fashioned bureaucracy, and how while you might not want to build it into your strategy, it will probably happen anyway.

How to Prioritize and Focus on the Tasks At Hand

How to Prioritize and Focus on the Tasks At Hand

When you have a lot of tasks to get done, you might find yourself stressing out about the sequencing or ruminating on your circumstances. How did you let it get so bad? Why does this always happen to you? If this sounds like an everyday occurrence for your organization or your employees, we want to share three ways you can help to make things easier to manage, even when it feels like there is just too much to handle.

How to Use Technology to Bring In (and Retain) Talented Employees

How to Use Technology to Bring In (and Retain) Talented Employees

As helpful as technology is to optimizing what your business can accomplish, this kind of optimization relies equally on the people you have working there as well. This starts with hiring the right people, which means you first have to attract the right people. Let’s talk about how your business’ IT can help to make your business more appealing to talented potential applicants.

We Need to Talk About How Modern AI Tools Can Influence Work

We Need to Talk About How Modern AI Tools Can Influence Work

In recent months, publicly-accessible AI tools have ignited interest in using artificial intelligence amongst businesses, and for good reason. While these tools are very, very limited in what they can do—which we will discuss here for sure—they still show enormous potential. However, this potential introduces a few major questions to the conversation. Let’s examine some of them.

Can Technology Help You Overcome Your Direct Pain Points?

Can Technology Help You Overcome Your Direct Pain Points?

We write in a lot of general terms about technology, whether it’s how to secure your infrastructure, procure hardware, or implement software solutions for your network, and that is for one very specific reason: each business is different and has different needs. We thought today that we would take you through some of the questions you might ask when thinking about the best approach to new technology in your office.

Automation Makes for Easier Work

Automation Makes for Easier Work

Everyone’s job has some degree of minutiae involved. Not everything can be exciting: I mean even a stuntman sits around for most of the day before his or her death-defying scene happens. This week, we thought we’d go through the importance of these seemingly rote tasks and how instituting technology that allows you to automate more of them can actually help a business accomplish a lot.