Think Twice About Sending that Meme

Data fuels business, but we also share a large amount of data even in our personal lives. Even the most benign communications, like chats, requests to stop by the store on your way home, and even memes or pet pictures, are considered data—and where there’s data, there’s a place where it’s stored. Today’s question: do you know where your data is being stored? And do you know the impact of that storage?

Your Business Processes Rely on Clean Data

Businesses are constantly seeking the best ways to utilize their data. Whether developing a business intelligence strategy, integrating artificial intelligence, or conducting simple analytics, having accurate and reliable data is crucial. Without it, insights can be misleading and costly. Therefore, understanding how to scrub or clean your data is essential. Clean data is vital for anyone involved in business intelligence or AI. Today, we will explore this topic and provide a simple guide to get you started.

Explaining the Cookies Pop-Up You See on Many Websites

When someone mentions cookies, people usually think of delicious treats like gingersnaps, snowballs, or the world famous chocolate chip. But what about browser cookies? While they may not be tasty, they certainly deserve your attention. You’ve likely encountered website popups asking for cookie permissions, and understanding what you’re agreeing to is crucial. In today’s blog, we’ll explain what browser cookies are, how they work, and why they are sometimes more beneficial than the sweet kind..

Take the Pressure Off Your Team with Co-Managed IT

If your organization is fortunate enough to have an internal IT department, it’s likely that they are managing a complex infrastructure on top of being understaffed and overworked. We’re not knocking your business or anything; it’s just the nature of the work and the reality of SMBs (trust us, we’d know). We can make managing your technology significantly easier and less of a pressure on your IT workers.

What an Attack on UnitedHealth Tells Us About Cybersecurity

There has recently been a surge in cyberattacks and data breaches targeting the healthcare industry and its affiliated businesses and vendors. With one such attack currently featured prominently in the headlines, it seemed appropriate to consider why this is and what businesses of all kinds—particularly those in healthcare—need to do to prevent this kind of thing from happening to them.

Chances Are You Have Data Subject to Compliance and Regulations

No matter what type of business you run or the services you provide to the community, chances are you must adhere to at least some compliance laws and regulatory requirements dictated by state or federal governments. Today, we want to make it abundantly clear that you must protect your business’ data to avoid inadvertently becoming subject to the massive fines associated with these laws.