Are You a Robot? Explaining CAPTCHA in Simple English

We’ve made it to the point where humans need to prove they’re real people to access systems, and one of the most common ways to do this is through the use of CAPTCHA technology. Completely Automated Public Turing test(s) to tell Computers and Humans Apart (try saying that with your mouth full) are everywhere, yet computers still struggle to actually crack these tests, unlike other methods of security. Why are they so successful at detecting automated bots?

How to Safely Navigate Social Media (for Security Beginners)

We live in a moment in time defined by connectivity, which also means we live in a time defined by unwanted correspondence. It’s never been easier to reach you by phone, email, and even social media—even when you don’t want to be reached. Today, we’re talking about how social media, in particular, presents opportunities for scammers to target you and your loved ones.

Take the Pressure Off Your Team with Co-Managed IT

If your organization is fortunate enough to have an internal IT department, it’s likely that they are managing a complex infrastructure on top of being understaffed and overworked. We’re not knocking your business or anything; it’s just the nature of the work and the reality of SMBs (trust us, we’d know). We can make managing your technology significantly easier and less of a pressure on your IT workers.

Chances Are You Have Data Subject to Compliance and Regulations

No matter what type of business you run or the services you provide to the community, chances are you must adhere to at least some compliance laws and regulatory requirements dictated by state or federal governments. Today, we want to make it abundantly clear that you must protect your business’ data to avoid inadvertently becoming subject to the massive fines associated with these laws.

Six Steps to Safer Business Data

Ensuring the security of your data is extremely important. If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know that any unauthorized access to sensitive information can result in severe consequences for your business. The problem is that today’s cybercriminal tactics have become increasingly sophisticated, posing a constant challenge to organizational data security. Today, we look at six things you can do to keep your data secure.