Technology is Center Stage on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Technology is Center Stage on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The holidays are rapidly approaching and each year people position themselves to get the best deals they can on all the potential gifts, whether they are gifts to themselves, or to others. Like many other years, bargain shoppers wake up from their tryptophan naps, bundle up, and head out to try and score the best deals they can. Today, we thought we’d talk a little about Black Friday and Cyber Monday and why they are great to get the technology-lover on your shopping list the products they’ll love this holiday season.

A 5-Step Guide to Troubleshooting Technology Problems

A 5-Step Guide to Troubleshooting Technology Problems

When something goes wrong, it makes sense that you have a process in place to go over the issue and find a solution. This process, also known as troubleshooting, will have several variables that must be accounted for, but the general process itself remains unchanged. Here are the five steps to troubleshooting any problem, as well as ensuring that the issue does not become more problematic in the future.

Managed IT Makes Technology Maintenance a Priority

Managed IT Makes Technology Maintenance a Priority

You should never settle for less than the best, especially with your business’ technology solutions. Unfortunately, this part of any company’s operations can be so stressful to manage that people often push IT maintenance to the wayside. So, if your company is not performing maintenance on its technology, how can it remain functional? It’s all about finding someone with the right skill set to manage your technology, something that is easier said than done.

Tip of the Week: A Short Guide to Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: A Short Guide to Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Most companies utilize a word processor of some sort, and one of the most powerful and dynamic (not to mention commonplace) is Microsoft Word. If you want to get the most out of this great solution, we’ve got your back. Stay tuned for a quick look at some of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts that we think you will find helpful during your business’ day-to-day operations.

Mission-Critical Software for Small Businesses

Mission-Critical Software for Small Businesses

With so many types of business software solutions out there, you might not immediately know what you should aim to use and why. Thankfully, while there are countless types of businesses and organizations out there, some staple applications make their way into most offices, giving your company a decent starting point. Let’s take a look at what some of these software programs are and why you might want them.