Understanding Procrastination: Short-Term Solutions to Your Procrastination Problems

Understanding Procrastination: Short-Term Solutions to Your Procrastination Problems

For the past few weeks, we have been looking at the idea of procrastination and how it manifests in individuals to directly impact your business. Today, we want to take a closer look at how you can put a halt to procrastination in the short term, as well as how you can further these tactics to create real change over time. We’ll begin with the short-term solutions.

How to Use Technology to Bring In (and Retain) Talented Employees

How to Use Technology to Bring In (and Retain) Talented Employees

As helpful as technology is to optimizing what your business can accomplish, this kind of optimization relies equally on the people you have working there as well. This starts with hiring the right people, which means you first have to attract the right people. Let’s talk about how your business’ IT can help to make your business more appealing to talented potential applicants.