How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

How Even Small Issues Can Quickly Escalate Into Large Problems

Business continuity is a tricky beast, and one that is best fought with proactive and preventative measures. The reason for this is simple: any situation where your business’ data is put at risk could mean the end, and we are not catastrophizing when we say that. Let’s look at two issues that are only small problems at the surface level, but could snowball into serious problems.

Video Games Could Hold Some Value to Certain Businesses

Video gaming holds a special place in society, with its staggering annual revenue of over $260 billion making it a global entertainment powerhouse. Despite this, many consider it the ultimate time sink. Consequently, few regard video games and interactive media as having any practical application in the business world. Today, we aim to challenge this belief by outlining how video games can actually benefit your business.

Keeping Out In Front of Your Technology Can Make a Big Difference

Keeping Out In Front of Your Technology Can Make a Big Difference

Technology is not only essential to the well being of your business, it is also an element of your business that you have complete control over. This is rare. To get the most out of your business’ technology, you will want to adhere to a proactive management strategy. In this blog, we will talk about why staying proactive on your technology management can save your business substantial money. 

“Chromebook Churn” is Creating Challenges for Schools to Deal With

“Chromebook Churn” is Creating Challenges for Schools to Deal With

In recent years, educational institutions have widely adopted the regular use of laptops in the classroom, and with budgets being a pressing concern for many of these institutions, the cost-sensitive nature of Chromebooks make them an excellent option… at least, that would be the assumption. However, this is not the case in the slightest, as the software that powers these devices regularly reaches its end of life, despite the hardware being perfectly capable of more.

3 Neat Technologies That Can Fuel Business Innovation

3 Neat Technologies That Can Fuel Business Innovation

Technology has the power to hold businesses back when it’s not implemented correctly, but it also presents an opportunity to overcome challenges facing modern businesses. There are several interesting technologies that might seem strange at first for business purposes, but we suspect that they could bring significant value to the table for workers, customers, and your organization. Let’s look at these three technologies and how they might make significant contributions to your business’ continued success.